What Is Your Subconscious

What Is Your Subconscious

What Is Your Subconscious

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     Our subconscious mind is the most powerful thing in our brain. The brain has 3 things conscious mind, subconscious mind, and superconscious mind. If we learn to use the power of subconscious brain we will feel the positive impact of that in our lives and we will start feeling confidence in ourselves. Once we have known the power of our brain then it will be easy for us to do a thing easily in our life. Whenever a new thought comes first comes in our mind, it goes through the conscious mind and if it is very necessary then it is stored in the subconscious mind. For example there is no need to struggle when we brush daily with opposite hand but on the first time it will look uncomfortable but if you go on sed to it then it will be a normal habit to you and the people getting out first time with you will look uncomfortable,but as time will pass, everyone will get used to it. You may remember some incident that was happened in your life and you may not be able to forget, it is stored in our subconscious mind and if you get to know how to use your subconscious mind then you will achieve the things that were looking unachievable and to unleash the power of subconscious mind then you have to motivate yourself and force yourself to be enthusiastic,once you are got to it the next time. We will force ourselves to boost our honor and pride. Remember that we are facing a war of battles where success is unwillingly indefinite but everyone needs it and some people may get in and some may not, but if you really do hard work with passion then the success will come to your feet. You have to boast yourselves daily with positive thoughts and if you keep negative thoughts then the mind will be affected,so always try to be enthusiastic and do all work given with perfection and say to yourselves daily like-"I can do it","I am the best and if you say it daily then you will feel the positive energy in you and you will feel the confidence with motivation in yourselves. 

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     Our mind is like a computer where negative thoughts are a virus, so when we give space to negative viruses in or mind and its work get affected and if we only allow trustworthy thoughts and good thoughts then the mind will be good and it will have the positive feelings that are essential to your life. Negative thoughts create only trouble and make our mind irritated so always have positive thoughts in your mind and don't allow virus.

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