What is the Most Dangerous Country in the World

What is the Most Dangerous Country in the World

What is the Most Dangerous Country in the World

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     You may have seen many species of snakes in the world, maybe 100,1000 or 2000 but what if I tell you that there is an island which is called snake island which has 300 different species of snakes out of which all are poisonous. Oh my god it is real hell in the world, isn't it? but the most shocking fact is it is the home to golden lancehead snake which is the most poisonous snake. Its poison is too toxic that even 0.1mg poison can kill a person in 10 minutes and that not all it can even spit its poison and make a person unconscious and paralyze or even cause death. But most of the x factor snakes are also present here out of which the poisonous are all toxic. Most countries banned this island now and when you come near this island you will see a warning signal indicating danger and the most dangerous part is on this island for every people. There are 1000 different types of snake, guys imagine that you are left alone on this island and you are surrounded by snakes? No guys there is no way to survive because all the snakes are poisonous and this island has an interesting story many years ago the government decided to protect the sailors from this dangerous island and they built a lighthouse in this island and a family operated the lighthouse many days went passed and one day the family was found dead. 

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     It was due to the biting of the poisonous snake golden lancehead and the government decided to keep the island safe from visitors now the lighthouse is fully automated and the sailors are warned from the island but the fact is from the lighthouse many different types of voice appear and it is mostly may be that of the family which operated the lighthouse. The family had now become a ghost on the island and now it is total hell to the earth may human that will go into the island will never come back again alive.

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