Essay on Placebo Effect with Thesis Statement

Essay on Placebo Effect with Thesis Statement

Essay on Placebo Effect with Thesis Statement

essay on placebo effect with thesis statement,placebo effect in animals,placebo effect weight loss,homeopathy and placebo effect,placebo effect reading answers

     It is said that what do we think  it happens and the reason behind the success is the thinking, the way you think of the life,it will create the fact if you think that life is filled with troubles, then you will have to face the consequences and if you think that life is filled with good deeds then your life will be good and successful. It is not that life is filled only with happiness or even sadness it is a combination of both. But you have to act consequently in your life to be on the right pathway for success. Somebody will think that some things are there in their life which could not be corrected or their life cannot be filled with happiness or their life is full of struggles. If you life is full of struggles,then it is good because only when you struggle  you  get stronger day today and you will understand the value of success in our life and if we get all things easily than our life will be like a tea without sugar or not spicy a chillies in chilly sauce so if our life is filled with struggles and conflicts we will understand the real spices of our life or else we will not and the people who act positively in all the situations are the persons who can master their thought and create a virtue. They are the persons who have known to face to struggle with life. There no one in the world who has not faced he will never understand the value of life in his life. In the place be affect our subconscious minds through provoke help us to act positively and due to that the chances of survival rates will be increased. It is done when doctors encounter patients whose disease is untreatable or it's deadly and only then if their mind is possible to the situation and they if think that they can survive.

essay on placebo effect with thesis statement,placebo effect in animals,placebo effect weight loss,homeopathy and placebo effect,placebo effect reading answers

     To do that doctors give take tablets to the patients who disease is hard to cure and say that they will be relieved earlier.  Then they think that they will be recovered soon it is just due to their positive mindset which helped them to survive. Great Scientist Stephen Hawkings was suffering from an incurable disease which paralyzed him totally and doctors said that he won't be able to survive any more but Stephen Hawkins had the mindset of surviving till 79 years old.  It was due to his own placebo effect that helped him to survive until his death.

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