Why are Invasive Species Dangerous to the Environment ?

Why are Invasive Species Dangerous to the Environment ?


Why are Invasive Species Dangerous to the Environment ?

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     Do you know how many species are there in this world, how many species of total animal in the world? No one knows because in even birds there are million species and there are many animals which are also unidentified and unnamed. Yes you heard it right,there are some animals or insects or living organism which is existing but there is no name and if there are species which are unknown then how it will be possible to estimate the total species in the world but due to predictions there are approximately nearly 10 billion species from small to big. It is very fascinating how the earth is the  earth but it  is said that the evolution of life had its own story before there was no life existing on the earth and earth was like just other planets where no life exists but due to evolution the microalgae began to form in the earth and it is capable of converting the atmospheric gas to oxygen deficient atmosphere into oxygen-rich atmosphere and due to that the life originated on the earth from smallest to biggest organisms were created and majority use this oxygen with which they live without this oxygen no life would be existing on the earth. The life of the organisms also has its own significance. There are many organisms able to communicate with each other but the human is the most developed among all animals. The most important fact is that there also many categories in human-like aliens, African, American, European and Australian and they are different from each other in structure and development the classification of all species on taxonomy is a just beginning to the high classes of organisms but there is so much to discover. There are also many undiscovered plants, animals, etc. So there is much work to be done to say to classify all the species of all living organisms and after classifying into particular species they have to be arranged respectively in their order. If we even dont know many species totally classfied then how we will be able to classify other organisms and it takes time even in the birds there are million species so the total output of all the species will be incredibly equal the star present in our galaxy. 

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     Most commonly the characteristics of the specific features are very distinguishable and we could say that there are many and many species in our earth. Every species has unique and different characteristic according to its land and its environment and it is adapted to the situation like a camel is adapted in the desert.

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