Persona 5 is a role playing simulation game developed by Atlus and it is a very good role playing game and it starts in the story telling mode of Japan
and in the Japan many different types of high school students combined between different types of Battle modes and different types of artefacts the discover and get to the trail of the game.
They get to the story telling mode of the game. And the best part of the story is the role playing model of the game
where you have to play between different types of characters and abilities and skills to get of this game. And this game is a overall good game for kids and adults this game includes story telling modes between different characters.
Persona 5 Royal is included with new stories artefacts location and grappling hook mechanics two different locations.
You can explore and combine with your battles skills and strategies to kill all the Enemies in the game
overall this game is a good experience in the High School of the story telling mode of the game and you have different types of semesters
and battle between different types of enemies and you have to explore different types of areas locations of the game.
And it is overall a good game to play between students and college students. Were you have to play between different types of High Schools levels.