How Pubg was Created | PUBG Mobile

How Pubg was Created | PUBG Mobile

How Pubg was Created | PUBG Mobile

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The Pubg mobile is an online multiplayer battle royale game that has led to a new revolution everywhere and its success story also has inspirational stories and moments. The Pubg mobile has a long story that led to the development of the game by the developer Brendan Greene, an Irish photographer, designer, and game developer Brendan was an unusual and a poor man. He had no idea about his dream or achieving his passion. He was like dawn in the day. He used to play games. Photographed things and used to explore something at his free times, he didn’t know his passion, he took videos, photos and imagined things and played games all-time in his day and he didn’t do any work so that he could create money or more. He was lazy and the people around him considered him as condemned personnel. He was doing everything without the sense of creating money in it. His wife told him that he should make money and work for it. But he played a game all day along and he was such busy in that he forgot what he was and time flew away like a biasing storm. His wife was very unhappy with him because he was unworthy and not doing any useful thing. He was doing just what he liked without any futuristic goal in that. He forgets the people’s name, his birthday and his wive’s name too, as he was involved in the things he has done but he didn’t make a single penny out of it. His wife told him that he should go to Brazil as a photographer. So that he could earn money, but he didn’t do so. His wife considered him as an unworthy guy who is worthless in her consideration and it is normal too. She was doing work for him and earning money, so he was free, but as she thought he was not so, he was not a person who is mature enough to support the family, he is considered useless for the family.

     Actually, before he was married, he had no one to support him, no persons, no friends, he was alone on the planet and was not happy, the persons he comes across with were all cheaters and the people who didn’t support him in any of his life aspects. So he was also not happy with his life, he was roaming here and there in search of money and was working for all the works he got, he had no aim in his life because his condition is not good enough to make a particular decision necessary for his life. He worked as a carpenter in all shops, plumber, painter, washer, constructors, cleaner, dishwasher in hotels, a worker in shops, seller and machinery operator in the garages. He did all the works he got and he had to come out of his current situation in all the aspects as he can as he was forced to do out of it and he did so to earn for him. He had struggled in his life and was not satisfied at all, he had spent 5 years of his life searching for work suitable for him, but he changed all the works as they were not suitable for him, out of frustration, he had stopped working, he had no friends, no enemies because all he had met in his life were not helpful to him, not made him, happy and comfortable, he was immense depressed because of he not got the small satisfaction necessary for his life. He met new people, but all were considered useless to him, everybody laughed at his work and made fun of him, He had no idea what was going on with his life. He also not had any life partner which would satisfy him in his life. He had loved a girl when he had moved to Brazil when doing photography work, he had loved her at first sight and decided to convey his feeling to her which he had not done once in his life, he had actually moved to Brazil for photography work of the wild and nature, etc. He had an interest in that work and came across coding which he had learned for making games, due to interest in the field he took his time and made small games and published it, they were 3d games and retro games, which were successfully finished but he was a flop in making money in that work so he had did photography in the wild which was an all-new experience to him, he decided to marry Laura, the Brazillian girl and conveyed his feelings to her and was not sure about the successful response.

     But unexpectedly she responded his feeling by accepting his emotions and both married after who was not happy with his work of photography and game developing, he was passionate in his work but he failed many times as all successful people do in their life. Because of his failures, she was not happy with him and considered him as an unworthy person in her life as she was supposed to do her work. She thought that what could he earn in game making and considered as a useless job and told him to quit it. But he was not in a mindset of that, he didn’t know when his life would take a twist and turn. He continued making games but was not successful in that in spite of despair she decided to take divorce with him as he was unworthy of it. He was very depressed again in his life. He remembered all the sad happenings in his life. In the time he remembered that he was useless as said by the people and thought him as an unworthy person in life. He wished that he could also be successful in his life so that he could make some money out of his life. The day began. He worked hard to achieve all the passions and goals he had set in life and he continued exploring things, animals, etc and met new people every day. But he was not making a single penny out of it and was dependent on the money Ireland’s government was giving to the needy people to be satisfied to run their life. It was almost 2$. He wished to make money on his own by his passion in life. If we make a passion into the profession then there is nothing more worthy than that so he decided to do so. He made new games every day, every time and practiced coding which made him a professional coder and game developer.

     Days went and nothing was good in his life, he was unsatisfied because he was not getting any money to be ahead in his life. He was not successful to earn money in his life. He got an image of power and creativity in his life and he was unaware that it was going to change his life in the moments. He did everything with immense satisfaction and internal desire which was going to change his present situation in life. He designed many games and he continued to hard work in his own passion of life and with immense satisfaction and with the hope of pursuing success, he tried his best of his work with dedication. He developed and tried many games with which he got the experience and experience is worthy than gold in a field. So with the dedication in his work, he was selected as the main developer in Sony Entertainment in gaming and he was doing the work at his best, with continuing the work, he did the best of his hard work with which he achieved his best of the knowledge and he was well living in his field with continuing the work. Sony need a person who can imagine the best so that they could create their name and fame in the entertainment industry as all companies do but Brendan Greene was not qualified for such a task because he was doing developing and they fixed him out of the company, he was unsatisfied again in his life but this was the trailer of thrill in his life. The climax was ready to begin months passed away and Brendan was living bored at home. He didn’t expect his failure in the company, but life was ready to give him more than that. He wouldn’t expect such a big surprise from a life that was going to change his life totally from bottom to top. One day while chatting online, he met a person named Kim from South Korea who was also a developer from the company name Blue hole. Both chatted that they need to create their own game.

      Kim became developer recently and Brendan had the experience. Both decided to meet in South Korea for their new game work. Brendan went south Korea and he had a full new experience he came across Koreans, he had difficulty in understanding their language, but he was okay with English, he met Kim, the guy who wanted to make a new game with Brendan, both decided and planned the strategy for their new game which they didn’t know would be a matter of divine in the success. Brendan with his photography experience was comfortable in imagining a game which could please the players without making them bored. After several trials and errors and flaws Brendan was successful in imagining a game in which it was related to his photography experience and Kim was ready for coding it and Brendan imagined that it would be a battle of players with animals or animals to animals fight or some kind of exploring are no which would make the players think of it. The players would be immense in that with the skills he had, he imagined to the core and developed such a game that players would battle among themselves and he won’t have to do anything further. After such an imagination he recalled a Japanese movie named Battle Royale where players battle among themselves in an arena with the combination of battle royale and wildlife arena he imagined a game where players will be suspended in an island and they will be left to fight among themselves in the battlefield.

     There are houses or grounds with a particular area name where they would be getting the weapons and they would fight among themselves and the person who is surviving till the end of the last man standing will be the winner of the game and the person will be given rewards to make the game more addictive for the players to play the game again and again and the players will have may costumes, titles, tags and a particular feel special in the game and so that he would earn more. They both decided amongst themselves that they should have to make the games as soon as they can so that they have more time to save for the game development, flaws, bugs and errors in coding going on and on the developers in making the game became more immense in making the game and the world is waiting to reward them. The strategy of the game was to mainly attract the players as soon as they can because of the big competition amongst their competitors. They decided a deadline for the game and worked hard and hard to make their game look more beautiful. They did their coding and imagination was successful.

 They kept the deadline of 1 year in the field of game making from the day Brendan was fully filled with confidence and hope that he would get success. They were fully immersed in the field that they slept only for 4 hours with deep desire inside. He was filled with immense hopefully filled with the desire of achieving the highest possible in the world. Brendan and Kim chemistry of co-ordination was balanced making a perfect combo of perfection and hope. After making the tough decisions of game, they successfully created the game and Brendan Greene played it. It was fully worthful and the time was to keep the name of the game and Brendan Greene was fully logical with that the players can get the purpose of the game’s main feature was to keep a battle of destruction between the players.

     The games plan was to join a group of 100 players in an army and to keep them left in an island where they are left to fight among themselves the players could be in a squad of four or single player. They are contained in a plane and the plane was left to suspend there and after that they are let to battle among themselves, it was called players unknown battlegrounds because the first player in the game was Brendan Greene and he called himself a player unknown and the field was a battlefield and as he was his creation. Hence he named the game player’s unknown battlegrounds. They published their first initial release in Microsoft’s X-box one via stream in March 2017’s early access program. The game was reviewed for X-box game preview program and was released for it in September 2018. The game has further released the version in ios, android. The Pubg was the best selling game of all times by selling over 50 million copies worldwide and 350 million in mobile versions being ranked #1 in the mobile game platforms as it was totally a new item in the market. Players reviewed the game positive response and some technical issue was found over the game that had to be corrected. The game has an easy to use UI that could easily be approached by every new player of the game at various skills. Tactics of the game made it more addictive because it rewarded skills and ratings of the players and gave them rewards and missions making the players not to detach from the game and make it a fun thing to play worldwide meeting new players also make this an interesting approach to communicate and share the strategy amongst the players representing team spirit in the players. In the same years, many Chinese cloned games were produced making it the reason for its success. The game has been represented the game of the year award by VFX studies among other competitors. The game has been included by many small tools to make it an easy to view and enjoyable way for the spectators. The game is also a popular streaming game with its competitors Fortnite released in the same year nominating for the game of the year award and it also has won the game of the year with the PUBG game. The competition has become very high now among the developer. But it also been banned in some countries for high violence and addictive for children in these regions. The countries are India, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iraq.

     To celebrate for the success of passing over two million copies sold worldwide, Blue hole corporation has launched an official charity in their official Twitch TV inviting over 128 personnel as worldwide official gamers to compete over. The funds raised over USD $1,00,000 and that from viewers reaching in gamers outreach foundation. Funds raised over $1,20,000 from viewers alongside the blue hole companies fund $1,00,000 during the August event the 2017 games com event organized ESL organization the first internationally invited tournament with over $3,50,000 prize pool for the players separate tournaments were established for solo players, squad players, multiplayer with different prize pools for different players. The highest score scored by players getting high prize money streamed via their official Twitch TV account. He said that the battle royale format is best for the players in ARMA II mod. He said that the game would be taken as a popular approach by the players until arm II mod. It showed the statistics that a large number of players were involved in the competition and to spectate. Indicating the craze and popularity of the game in the player's mind making tough ease of great competition amongst its competitors. Further Greene and continually introduces a large number of advancements in the game in the game to make a great development. Unless we give our best in our acceptance for giving best in the work. The work and dedication towards the game is the strategic success of the game. Brendan became multi-billionaire by making just a single best game. That's great, the wife with which whom he divorced would be feeling unlucky and would be feeling burn over her word because that words didn’t hurt Brendan but they made as a fuel for his success. That’s why Brendan has been now leading a luxury life and without hesitation. There should be a standing aweation and hats off for such a good person having a single hope of success in the field of game and working hard for getting success in the field he is interested in had made a great difference because it is sure to do hard work in the field of arena you need to achieve success.

      So working hard in your fields of interest, makes a huge difference because it doesn’t let you sleep once and you get the best knowledge out of it and the effort you put in will be high and if we are interested in our own areas of interest then we won’t be complaining about boredom or irritating work and the hard work. We put wouldn’t also be recognized by us. So my conclusion in this part is always hard work. But in your particular areas of interest. Once the game has become famous worldwide. His haters were burned by his success. This makes a great difference for him. The game has more players active worldwide because of its EI and UI make it an easy to use the software  as a game system making it an acceptable particularly most played game surpassing GTA 5 and Data 2 as the most active players worldwide. These game were the best on games by number of active players and the players and the players were particularly active in these games concentratively but after the new arrival of the game which had its craze worldwide and to check it out players played these games and after playing this game and battling with people worldwide like the run and kill strategy of  CSGO the game was terrific in its purpose!!!!. The players rated the game as the best online multiplayer game with a rating of 4.5/5 in just a few months that a killer achievement made by any game available on board. The game also had made a craze on players by releasing its mobile version which had 400 monthly active users and made #1 on the ranking list and as well as editors choice app for the players as it had a clean UI and the game was addictive and violent. The game also made development to the next level achievements by making continuously developing on the focus and concentrating on the game. Moreover, the game had a great hack and slash strategy with onboard development multimedia programs.

      The violence is also brutal but this may offend the players so the developer Greene has made a good impact on the game by releasing the Zombie versions on the game and players killing the Zombies made a balanced impact as if humans kill humans, this would spread the hate amongst the players themselves. The players are also a great fan of the game because the game is very unique and the development of the game has been made in such a way that it has clean UI, great graphics and an easy to understand the strategy for all the gamers. Never the less the game has made good competitors by building the game community where people can solve the problem among themselves and Brendan making money out of it and also this game is very captivating creating the awareness amongst the players by crime among them and stimulating them to purchase their merchandise and tokens and items to make money. This is the best known easy to make money. But skills, as well as the imagination, is also a big deal. The only way to get with that is to be more creative and imaginative. The money will be easy to earn and the people worldwide will also be a great deal of a good sources of income. The Pubg game is also a great example of the addictive nature of games as all people were supposed to battle among themselves. The more and more the people play the game only the game will be benefited. The advance strategy skill is also required by the players to make the game, the tag line also makes the players be an addict for the game overall the game is a good deal of masterpiece in short.

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