How to use D-Tect in Termux

How to use D-Tect in Termux

How to use D-Tect in Termux

How to use D-Tect in Termux

     D Tect is a combination of tools used to scan the webisite vulnerabilities.
Now put the command apt update

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command apt upgrade

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command apt install git

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command apt install python

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command apt install python2

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command git clone

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command cd D-TECT

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command chmod +x*

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command pip2 install requests

How to use D-Tect in Termux

Now put the command python2

How to use D-Tect in Termux

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