What Is My Aura
Aura is the invisible radiation revolving around us and it is prevented in all humans and animals and it has the power of our souls and we need energy in order to maintain our aura. It may be positive or negative and it is a most important aspect in our life and aura is important to know the characteristics of the character of the people with whom we live and aura may help a person to know about the spiritual powers of a person because of the energy surrounded around us and aura is seen by only persons who are capable of seeing it and not everyone can see it because it is related to the spiritual energy. The fact is that what do we think is what we make changes to ourselves. If we think negative then we have negative energy surrounded around us and it creates an impact on us. The persons who have done meditation have a purified aura and they are always calm and generous compared to the normal people and people like Buddha and Jesus had aura extending up to 113 kilometers means they have energies that are highly extended and that's why they are a god. One can feel the positivity or negativity in a person if the person has a particular aura. So it is necessary to be optimistic to have a positive aura and to purify it you need to have to meditate and only think good thoughts and never allow the bad thoughts to reign you. The more you are good to yourself, the more are your chances to spread the energy in you. It is good to have a lamp lighting all the candles. So the positive and help others think that they can rule the life only by their thoughts. So never criticize anyone and make a sad approach.