Love and Other Thought Experiments

Love and Other Thought Experiments

Love and Other Thought Experiments

love and other thought experiments,believing others can hear your thoughts,child has thoughts of hurting others,thoughts of harming others and myself,thoughts of harming others

    We all know that we are surrounded by people who have much knowledge about our thoughts and we want to know that thought in order to correct our mistakes and know what they think about us and it will be a difficult task to ask them directly or indirectly about our thoughts.  So we have to do such a thing in which we can know what other people think about us and we can correct us.  It is not that everybody is perfect in this world and only we can do is correct our mistakes we can know our mistakes by experience or asking others and it will be a very easy task to know what people think about us but instead of saying them that what you think about me and tell me my mistakes and getting to know that you can see that there are two people.  1. Who are optimistic and 2. who are negative?  Only the negative people easily find out the mistakes and take advantage of it you can guess what they think negative and take advantage of their thoughts.  The way we can know other's thought is we can think of their view point.  For example, to know what a thief will think, the police or the investigator must think in the view of the thief, then their work will be done easily.  We can also get to know another person's regard when we see calm and relaxed.  This could be done by practicing meditation.  By practicing meditation many times, we will be able to control our thoughts and we won't be here after in the prison of our thoughts and by this way, we can know others thought and what do they think about us.  Moreover, it is a very difficult process to maintain the consistency but if you do it regularly.  You will feel the power to know what other's think like Swami Vivekananda and others did.  The thought is an unknown process and no scientist has explained it till date and humans are unaware of the that.  Our brain shows different solutions in different problems and it is fully difficult to understand the power of our brain.  The only person who can understand the power of the brain is ourselves. 

love and other thought experiments,believing others can hear your thoughts,child has thoughts of hurting others,thoughts of harming others and myself,thoughts of harming others

      The monks spend their whole life only in doing meditation and they unleash the power of the brain like THOUGHT PROCESS, CONTROLLING THEIR BODY TEMPERATURE, Making their body strong as wood and releasing the POWER OF the THIRD DIMENSION.  The power of our brain is infinite and in understood but if you unleash the power of it.  Our life will be very easy because normally we use only 5% of our brain and genius people use more than that but if we work with our full power then nothing can stop us from reaching our goal because energy is the main source that is needed for the brain, and if we give it more energy it will work hard. 

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