Reasons why fallout 4 game pass is important | Fallout 4 nexus statistics

Reasons why fallout 4 game pass is important | Fallout 4 nexus statistics

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Fallout 4 is action adventure game and it is was initially released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox one and Microsoft Windows.

 the main plot of this game is in between a story of the nuclear hit City line in which the player gets the missions and complete Quest and different types of puzzles are involved in the game. 

And the main story plot include the finding of the Lost wife of the players and sons which are included in the game. 

The main storyline of this game is the player is left along a lost city of the nuclear weapon hit characterized city.

where the nuclear weapons are blasted and the player is mainly said to find out the Lost things of his family and such evidences are to be found. 

The player has different types of armors and weapons. The armors are used to protect him against the enemy attacks and the weapons of highly customisable. 

The player in this game has 50 different types of guns and they are highly customisable up to 700 different types. 

The main characteristic feature of this game is this game is it's a very good action paced based game where you can kill and combat Enemies using your strategies, 

some skills in this game is highly customisable and where you can shoot different types of animals and they are not normal Enemies,

 the Enemies in this game are mutant rats,dogs mices and different types of animals which are mutated(genetically changed). 

 This isbecause of the nuclear attack in the city. The main Quest of the player is to build the pipelines in the city and build the defenses to defend against the enemy attacks,

 and killing the enemies  with the gun shots,and the main characteristic feature of this game includes

  Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.).This system allows the players to slow down the time in the real time 

and the players can know where to attack and hit the Enemies in the real-time paced action.

the players can I really enjoy the game because of its fast-paced action and it is a good game to play.

 you can discover certain targets  locations in this open World adventure game.

You can also kill the  destruct the buildings and build your own buildings with different types of combinations and customisable elements. 

So this is your overall a good game to play if you like a highly customisable game that this game is made for you.

 I would highly recommend this game to play. And if you like a game in which you are playing a different type of character 

and want to experience the different types of locations then This game is made for you. Thanks for reading.

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