Type Of Computer Network That Doesnt Need Cables

Type Of Computer Network That Doesnt Need Cables

Type Of Computer Network That Doesn't Need Cables

type of computer network that doesn t need cables,types of network connections,different types of network,computer network support specialists,types of computer network

     There is best network security which makes the computer safe from hackers and it is the firewall which detects the incoming data and analyzes it and blocks unwanted data which keeps the intruders away and keeps the computer safe from hackers. 

There are different computer networks used and they are 

Lan: It is a local area network it is only available on a short area

Wan: It is a wide area network and available on a large scale.

Man: It is called the metropolitan area network and it is used for large cities.

Topologies used are :

Star Topology: It is star-shaped network and the cable used here are co-axial cables where the cables are interconnected to each other and if a connection is lost then the whole connection is lost.

Mesh Topology: It is same but here the shape is the meshed shape.

Bus Topology: Here the wires are interconnected in a serial line and it is the fastest mode of data transmission.

Ring Topology: Here the wires are connected to each other in a circle shape and it is a widely used one.

Network Security Tutorials Point:

     The best way of data transmission is wifi and modem data transmission where the signal used are radio wave signals which are fast and easy to access wireless and best-recommended use is WPA network where the security provided is very high and it is the best mode of data transmission and it takes a very long time to attack these networks.

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