Energy Around A Human Being

Energy Around A Human Being

Energy Around A Human Being

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     Aura is a necessary energy in our body. It is present in all of our body. It is present in all of our body. Normally there are two types of Auras one is positive and another is negative. You may have noticed when  you are positive and confident the near people around you also feel the power and when your confidence and your emotions or thoughts are  negative the nearby people around you also get affected by it and they too have negative one of energies like how in a house where all person is mourning and you to begin to mourn and when a person nearby has facing success and experience of power and becomes happy you to become happy and when a person is laughing, you too begin to laugh without knowing all this is because of Aura and we are all connected to each other and express Joy and Sadness in each other feelings.

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      Not even us every living being in this world is connected to each other like plants and animals etc. So it is always necessary to spread positive vibes to create a positive energy around you because the people nearby you are also affected by the energy and it is also necessary to know how to purify the Aura or Energies around you to purify it you need to practice Meditation and Yoga and you need to do maximum of at least 6 months or 1 year practice to heal your Aura and after purifying your Aura you will experience Magical energies in you. Your Focus and concentration, Memory retention, Recalling, Imagination power, Will power, Confidence and purify in the soul will be established and you will be able to levitate, control your thoughts and control your body temperature, live in the present movements and imagine the bliss of purity in you. Have you ever noticed int picture of Jesus and Buddha on the back of their head have a round circle of power like a thing? Yes, it is their Aura which is more powerful it is said that when these people concentrate they spread their purity and Selflessness to nearly 150 km and people in the radius can feel the Aura of them and they control the people by their Aura and this is enough to explain about the Aura.

energy around a human being,how to see aura for beginners,how to see my aura,what does energy look like,aura colors and what they mean

     It is so powerful that when Swami Vivekananda meditated, his purity was spread all over and when he was in his childhood playing when he meditated, a snake comes nearby but Vivekananda was unaware of that and his friends warned him,but he meditated with full concentration and the snake went nearby without harming him because he purified all the souls nearby him with the power of his Aura and Gautama Buddha went to a Jungle to meditate and a lion passed him nearby without harming him because of the power of his Aura he controlled every soul near him and purified it. But it is not a very easy task extreme concentration and preparations will take time and at last, you will get success but mind that when you meditate you should experience selflessness and soul purity in your mind and you should remove all the harmful thoughts to purity Aura. 

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